School Time

School Time School starts at 7.30a.m. and ends at 4.00pm (Mondays – Fridays)

Punctuality in the morning is very important in ensuring that children are settled quickly for their first lesson. As soon as the children enter classes in the morning they start their learning activities. It is of vital importance that all children arrive in class promptly.

All parents are encouraged to ensure that their children arrive before the school bell is rung. Any child that arrives at school after the first lesson has started has to be brought to the school office and be signed in.

In the morning, please drop your child off at his / her classroom and sign in student daily register manual. There will always be a teacher on duty from 7.00. am.

Please ensure that your child is at school by 7.30 am as this gives them time to socialize and settle. Say goodbye and leave promptly as this gives your child chance to start the day more quickly.






All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind .”

-Martine  Fisher