Supporting BOOKPOINT

Building Futures

Through all our stakeholders, Bookpoint Springs Academy will from time to time as the needs arise, embark on a fundraising campaign titled ‘Envisioning the Futures’. The five-year campaign is targeted at two strategic categories, Scholarships & Bursaries and Facilities.

Future Development

Future developments at Bookpoint Springs Academy are guided by a five-year strategic plan. Bookpoint Academy development plan outlines a vision for the school to be one of the finest academic institutions in the region; by ensuring we have passionate teachers, inspirational facilities, growing endowment funds and a diverse pupil body.

How to Give

Gifts to Annual Giving will allow Bookpoint Springs Academy to provide extraordinary opportunities for learning; increase funds available for scholarships and bursaries, and to help meet emerging needs and challenges. These unrestricted funds will give Bookpoint Springs Academy the flexibility to undertake critical new initiatives and developments which will attract the best students and teachers to the School.

If you would like to make a donation, please contact the Bursary on for further guidance and details of the school’s bank accounts. Cheques should be made payable to Bookpoint Springs Academy, and addressed to the Bursar’s Office for receipting.

Philanthropy at Bookpoint Springs Academy

To continue to be able to educate capable young minds in socially significant ways, we depend on resources that exceed the cost of tuition and rely on financial donations from Parents, Alumni, Grandparents, Foundations, Staff and Friends to provide this support.

Bookpoint Springs Academy Development Office works with parent volunteers to facilitate all major fundraising efforts for the school. The two main areas supported by philanthropy are the Annual Fund and Capital improvements or needs.

The Annual Fund

Gifts to the Annual Fund are truly powerful investments that will ensure Bookpoint Springs Academy’s ability to remain one of the top schools in the county.

Like all private schools, Bookpoint Springs Academy relies on fundraising to make up the difference between expenses and revenue. These contributions help to close the gap between tuition revenue and the actual cost of a Bookpoint Academy education.

Annual Fund contributions will be restricted to enhancing academic and co-curricular programming, attracting and retaining the best and brightest staff, providing financial aid for an economically diverse community of students.

In addition, strong philanthropic support of Bookpoint Academy allows us to restrain tuition growth each year.

Capital Campaigns

All private schools are required to raise capital funds for projects that are beyond the scope of their daily operations budget, for example, updated facilities or endowment enhancement. It is typical for a school to launch a capital campaign every five to eight years. While strong support of any capital initiative is crucial to the long term, academic and financial wellbeing of Bookpoint Springs Academy, the Annual Fund and our ability to cover our annual operating expense remain our top philanthropic need.

All learning has an emotional base.”
