Objectives and Roles

This policy sets out our commitment to tackling discrimination and promoting equal opportunity and good relations and explains what this means for the whole Academy community. We believe that all our pupils should have an opportunity to benefit from school activities (curricular and extracurricular) independent of their parents’ financial means.

This policy describes how we will do our best to ensure a good range of visits and activities is offered at the same time, try to minimize the financial barriers which may prevent some pupils taking full advantage of the opportunity.

Possible considerations.
The Academy recognizes its responsibility to ensure that the offer of activities and educational visits does not place an unnecessary burden on family finances. To this end we will try to adhere to the following guidelines:

Where possible we shall publish a list of visits (and their approximate cost) at the beginning of the school year so that parents can plan ahead

  • Establish a system for parents to pay installments
  • When an opportunity for a trip arises at short notice it will be possible to arrange to pay by instalments beyond the date of the trip.

We acknowledge that offering opportunities on a “first pay, first served” basis discriminates against pupils from families on lower incomes and we will avoid that method of selection at all costs.

Roles and responsibilities
This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved and connected with the school, so that each individual knows what is expected of them. Introducing the policy and plan will be included in induction / orientation arrangements for all new staff to the school.

The Principal will demonstrate through his / her personal leadership the importance of this policy. He / she will ensure that all staff are aware of the policy and understand their role and responsibilities.

The Principal will assess and monitor the impact of the policy. Outcomes will be reviewed in relation to the plan, and reported on a termly basis.

Curriculum Heads
Will be responsible for reviewing and monitoring curriculum policies and planning  their own learning areas to ensure that academic quality is not compromised.

Teachers will familiarize themselves with this policy and know what their responsibilities are and to ensure that the  plan is implemented. They will know the implications of the policy for their planning, teaching and learning strategies as well as for behavioral issues.

Administrative Staff.
All staff will familiarize themselves with this policy and know what their responsibilities are in ensuring that it is implemented.

Pupils will share in the development of the academic policy and be made aware of how it applies to them. They will learn to treat each other with respect and report any incidents  threatening their peace and harmony to the authority.

“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”

–Maya Angelou