Admission Process

Thank you for considering Bookpoint Springs Academy as the school for your child. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most difficult yet important decisions that you will have to make. Each school is different and each has its own character and individuality.

We understand that it is a decision that has a long term impact on you and your family.

This section details our : –

  • Admission Process,
  • Admission Criteria,
  • Admission Procedure,
  • Required Forms ,
  • Conditions for Withdrawal of Admission
  • Online  Application
  • Online  Enrollment
  • Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ ).

Admission process comprises the following three steps: –

Step 1


Parents submit applications with required documentation to place their child on the list of applicants.

Step 2


Approximately one term prior to commencement the school will contact families to confirm their intent to proceed with the application. Up to date reports will be requested at this time.

Step 3


Families are invited to attend an enrolment interview with the Principal or her deputy. Places are offered at the Principal’s discretion.

Step 4


Upon receiving an offer for a place at the school, parents have 30 days to accept by completing and returning the Acceptance of Offer documentation with the non-refundable acceptance fee. Students are also required to pay a tuition deposit upon commencement.

You may apply for your child’s admission either by e-mail or through a printed application form which you may e-mail or deliver to the school.

On this website you can also use our online application feature.


Online Application Form Enquiry

“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”

– C.S.  Lewis