Photography & Videography Consent

Bookpoint Springs Academy understands that the vast majority of people who take or view photographs or film of children do so for entirely innocent, understandable and acceptable reasons. Sadly, some people abuse children through taking or using images, so we must ensure that we have some safeguards in place.

To protect pupils, we:

  • Seek their consent for photographs to be taken and published image consent forms are circulated
  • Seek parental consent. Use only the child’s first name with an image
  • Ensure pupils are appropriately dressed
  • Encourage pupils to tell us if they are worried about any photographs that have been take of them
  • Photographs should not be taken on staff personal mobile devices


Bookpoint Springs Academy will take E-Safety very seriously and the following policies and procedures detail how we will try to keep pupils safe in school.

  • Acceptable Usage of Technology Policy will be available on the school portal, website and in Parents’ information Booklet (The Green Book).
  • We know that most of our pupils will use mobile devices and computers at some time. They are a source of fun, entertainment, communication and education. However, we know that some men, women and young people will use these technologies to harm children. The harm might range from sending hurtful or abusive texts and emails to enticing children to engage in sexually harmful conversations, webcam photography or face-to-face meetings.
  • Cyberbullying by pupils, via texts, emails, mobile communication or social networking will be treated as seriously as any other type of bullying.
  • Chatrooms and social networking sites are the more obvious sources of inappropriate and harmful behavior and pupils will not be allowed to access these sites on school owned devices.
  • Some pupils will undoubtedly be ‘chatting’ on mobiles or social networking sites at home. Communication will be circulated to help parents and pupils understand the possible risks.

Don’t just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything.”

-George  Carlin