School Rules

All our students must be safe and have high standards of conduct and appearance at all times. For these reasons, the following items are not permitted and should not be worn or brought to the Academy.

Such items will be confiscated and may lead to further sanctions.

  • Jewelry, including any multiple piercings
  • Headphones
  • Hoodies
  • Caps
  • Make up / false eyelashes
  • Nail varnish or nail extensions
  • Lighters or matches
  • Fireworks
  • Chewing gum
  • Weapons or drugs including cigarettes and alcohol
  • Laser pens After School Hours.

Bookpoint Springs Academy expectations outside the school

  1. Walk sensibly and leave promptly. Use the pavements at all times.
  2. Respect others. Do not gather in groups of more than 5, do not use inappropriate language or physical contact and do not raise your voice above the talking volume.
  3. Respect the property of others. Do not lean on cars or walls, do not enter private property, do not drop litter, spit or smoke.
  4. Follow all staff instructions respectfully.
  5. Be outstanding ambassador of Bookpoint Springs Academy. Wear uniform correctly to and from school and always be polite and respectful.


The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”

-B.B. King